Вставить в слова пропущенные буквы и подобрать к этим словам предложения. 1) пример: peel b) 2)ch_p 3)m_x 4) b_k_ 5)b_ _ l 6) c_ _ k 7)fr_ 8)gr_ll 9)m_cr_w_v_ 10)p_ _ ch предложения: а)cut products into pieces with strong downward movements of a knife b)remove(the outer covering or skin) from a fruit or vegetable c)cook, for example, fish in gently boiling water or other liquid d)cook food using very strong heat directly above or below it e) cook (food) in hot fat or oil, typically in a shallow pan f) heat and cook food in a very hot water g)prepare(food, a dish, or a meal)by mixing, сombining, and heating the ingredients h) use an electric microwave oven to heat or cook food l)cook food in an oven j)combine ingredients together so that the result cannot be separated into its original parts

панда1341 панда1341    1   31.03.2019 07:00    4

lisa221513 lisa221513  27.05.2020 21:08

1) peel B)

2) сhip A)

3) mix J)

4) bake L)

5) boil F)

6) cook G)

7) fry E)

8) grill D)

9) microwave H)

10) poach C)


maks695 maks695  27.05.2020 21:08
2. Chop- A 3.mix J 4. Bake L 5. Boil F 6. Cook G 7. Fry E 8. Grill D 9. Microwave H 10. Poach C
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