Вставить в пропуски: up with; on with; up to; up for; in with; out with; away with; away with; down on;
down on; away from; up against

1) Keep me! I’ve got a terrible cold, and I don’t want you to catch it.
2) We must try to cut the amount of money we spend a month. We spend more than we earn.
3) Don’t let me disturb you. Carry your work.
4) Face reality. You’ve got to realize that you are responsible for your own actions.
5) She’s such a snob. She looks everyone who doesn’t have as much money as she does.
6) His crime was really quite serious, so he was lucky to get a fine rather than a prison sentence.
7) I know you’re disappointed that we didn’t have a summer holiday this year. We’ll try to get a few days away in the autumn to make it.
8) There is a move in Britain to do the monarchy completely, so that Britain would become a republic.
9) Mu daughter had a few weeks off school recently. When she went back, she had to try hard to catch all the work she had missed.
10) Jane’s a very argumentative person. She’s always having rows with people and falling them.
11) The government has come a big problem in their economic policy. The unions won’t co-operate, and management doesn’t approve of what they’re trying to do.
12) The antique table is very nice, but it doesn’t fit the re

Spy1337 Spy1337    1   27.11.2021 20:44    55

damirpernebek7 damirpernebek7  03.01.2022 17:22

ответ: А где задание?


olyarogova olyarogova  11.01.2024 10:09
1) Keep me up with! I’ve got a terrible cold, and I don’t want you to catch it.
Explanation: "Keep me up with" means to keep someone informed or updated on something. In this case, the person with the cold wants to be informed about something while they are sick.

2) We must try to cut the amount of money we spend a month. We spend more than we earn.
Solution: We must try to cut down on the amount of money we spend a month. We spend more than we earn.
Explanation: "Cut down on" means to reduce or decrease something. In this case, the person wants to reduce the amount of money they spend each month.

3) Don’t let me disturb you. Carry on with your work.
Explanation: "Carry on with" means to continue or resume doing something. In this case, the person doesn't want to disturb someone and wants them to continue their work uninterrupted.

4) Face reality. You’ve got to realize that you are responsible for your own actions.
Explanation: "Face reality" means to accept or confront the truth. In this case, the person is telling someone to accept the truth that they are responsible for their own actions.

5) She’s such a snob. She looks down on everyone who doesn’t have as much money as she does.
Explanation: "Look down on" means to view or treat someone as inferior. In this case, the person is describing someone who treats others as inferior if they have less money.

6) His crime was really quite serious, so he was lucky to get away with a fine rather than a prison sentence.
Explanation: "Get away with" means to escape punishment or consequences for something. In this case, the person is saying that the individual was fortunate to receive only a fine instead of going to prison for their serious crime.

7) I know you’re disappointed that we didn’t have a summer holiday this year. We’ll try to get away for a few days in the autumn to make up for it.
Explanation: "Get away" means to go on a vacation or trip. In this case, the person is promising to take a short trip during autumn to make up for not having a summer holiday.

8) There is a move in Britain to do away with the monarchy completely, so that Britain would become a republic.
Explanation: "Do away with" means to eliminate or abolish something. In this case, the person is referring to the movement in Britain to abolish the monarchy and transition to a republic.

9) My daughter had a few weeks off school recently. When she went back, she had to try hard to catch up on all the work she had missed.
Explanation: "Catch up on" means to make up for or complete something that was missed or delayed. In this case, the person is saying that their daughter had to work hard to complete the schoolwork she missed during her absence.

10) Jane’s a very argumentative person. She’s always having rows with people and falling out with them.
Explanation: "Fall out with" means to have a disagreement or argument with someone, causing a rift in the relationship. In this case, the person is saying that Jane frequently argues with people and has strained relationships with them.

11) The government has come up against a big problem in their economic policy. The unions won’t co-operate, and management doesn’t approve of what they’re trying to do.
Explanation: "Come up against" means to encounter or face a difficulty or obstacle. In this case, the person is stating that the government is facing a problem with their economic policy due to lack of cooperation from the unions and disapproval from management.

12) The antique table is very nice, but it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the furniture.
Explanation: "Fit in with" means to be compatible or harmonize with something. In this case, the person is saying that the antique table doesn't match or blend well with the rest of the furniture.
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