ВСТАВИТЬ В PASSIVE TENSE!!Put the verbs in brackets in the correct
passive tense.

1 Sam was reading the paper while his car
I think the invitations should
(send) by registered post.
3. The statue (bury) for two
thousand years before it
(uncover) during an archaeological dig.
4 I believe the collection of Expressionist paintings
... (display) at the local
art gallery for the next two weeks.
5 The Garma Festival
in Australia every year and celebrates Aboriginal
6 Dinner
(serve) in the
hotel restaurant right now.
Restoration works on the castle
... (not/complete) yet.

veraeliseeva718 veraeliseeva718    2   16.04.2020 14:58    15

Keterina0905keka Keterina0905keka  10.01.2024 21:24
1 Sam was reading the paper while his car was being washed.
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