Вставить слова в present perfect и present perfect continuous a: whot are you doing ben? b: i've been looking thorough (look through) my old toy box oll morning. it bringst back lots of memories. look, (find) my old train set! a: you (play) with thosw train for over an hour. i (watch) you. b; they're great! i (not\have) so much fun for years. look at this one! a: yes, ben - it's a very nice train. but (you\see) what time it is? b: why? a: it's 10.30. you're boss (just\phone) from the office. b; why? a: he (wait) for you all morning. you have an important meeting. b: oh no! i thought it was sunday!

valerysidochenozpzmu valerysidochenozpzmu    3   06.06.2019 17:10    13

GVA200208 GVA200208  01.10.2020 20:49
Look, i've found my old train set!
You have been playing with those train for over an hour. I've whatched you.
I haven't had so much fun for years.
Have you seen what time it is? Your boss has phoned u from the office
He has been waiting for u all morning.
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