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What you (do) now?Can you help me?
We usually (keep) our closes in this wardrobe.
Everybody (come) to call at 9 o'clock.
He (type) a letter to his boss at the moment.
Four years ago I (decide) to become a police officer.
We ... (eat) breakfast when message (come)
At midnight I (sleep), but Mary (listen) to music.

manawer manawer    1   07.03.2020 01:52    3

ТимурСилкин ТимурСилкин  11.10.2020 20:39

1) What are you doing now?

2) We usually keep our clothes in this wardrobe

3) Everybody comes ( можно will come, я полной ситуации не знаю) to call at 9 o'clock

4) He is typing a letter to his boss at the moment

5) Four years ago I decided to become a police officer

6) We were eating breakfast when message came

7) At midnight I slept, but Mary was listening to music

likiad123 likiad123  11.10.2020 20:39
1. What are you doing? Can you help me?
2. We usually keep our clothes in this wardrobe
3. Everybody comes to cal at 9 o’clock
4. He is typing a letter to his boss at the moment
5. Four years ago i decided to become a police officer
6. We were eating breakfast when message came
7. At midnighr i slept, bur Mary was listening to music
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