вставить предлоги в предложения. (с переводом!) 1. Take my book ___ Nick, please. 2. It's 8 o'clock. Go ___ your office now. 3. Come ___ ___ to the shelf and take your book. 4. Don't take the telexes ___ the table. 5. Take your pens and your books ___ ___ your bags, please. 6. Come ___ the room, please. 7. Go ___ room 1, please. 8. Come home ___ six o'clock today. 9. The letter is ___ the book. 10. The cups are not ___ the table. They are ___ kitchen. 11. Where are the telexes? They are in the desk. Take the telexes ___ ___ the desk. 12. Where is Nick? He is ___ room 5. 13. Nick, take the letter ___ the desk. 15. Children, take your books ___ ___ your bags. 16. This is a letter ___ Peter. 17. My friend and his wife are not ___ home now. They are ___ their office. 18. Children, come ___ to me. 19. Jane, don't take these cups ___ the table. 20. Kate, don't go ___ that room. 21. Tell me ___ your flat. 22. Look ___ your watch and tell me the time.

aliyashachkasa aliyashachkasa    2   06.12.2021 19:35    95

xkhs1sjsiXjjs xkhs1sjsiXjjs  25.12.2023 15:48
Хорошо, давайте решим это практическое задание по предлогам.

1. Take my book to Nick, please. - Возьми мою книгу к Нику, пожалуйста.
2. It's 8 o'clock. Go to your office now. - Уже восьмая. Иди в свой офис сейчас.
3. Come up to the shelf and take your book. - Подойди к полке и возьми свою книгу.
4. Don't take the telexes from the table. - Не бери телексы со стола.
5. Take your pens and your books and put them in your bags, please. - Возьмите свои ручки и книги и положите их в свои сумки, пожалуйста.
6. Come into the room, please. - Зайди в комнату, пожалуйста.
7. Go to room 1, please. - Пойди в комнату 1, пожалуйста.
8. Come home at six o'clock today. - Возвращайся домой в шесть часов сегодня.
9. The letter is in the book. - Письмо находится в книге.
10. The cups are not on the table. They are in the kitchen. - Чашки не на столе. Они находятся на кухне.
11. Where are the telexes? They are in the desk. Take the telexes out of the desk. - Где телексы? Они в столе. Вытащи телексы из стола.
12. Where is Nick? He is in room 5. - Где Ник? Он в комнате 5.
13. Nick, take the letter from the desk. - Ник, возьми письмо со стола.
14. Children, take your books out of your bags. - Дети, выньте свои книги из сумок.
15. This is a letter to Peter. - Это письмо для Питера.
16. My friend and his wife are not at home now. They are in their office. - Мой друг и его жена сейчас не дома. Они в своем офисе.
17. Children, come closer to me. - Дети, подойдите ближе ко мне.
18. Jane, don't take these cups from the table. - Джейн, не бери эти чашки со стола.
19. Kate, don't go into that room. - Кейт, не заходи в эту комнату.
20. Tell me about your flat. - Расскажи мне о своей квартире.
21. Look at your watch and tell me the time. - Посмотри на свои часы и скажи мне время.

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