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тексты, с которых нужно сделать это :
1) anti-gravity boots
alsa known as air kicks, these look like ski boots bul with enormous rubber springs at the bottom you wear them over your frainers. you can jump, run or dance in your boots and people have.compared the feeling to jumping on a trampoline. they're great fun but also very effective way to work out. and because it doesn't really feel like hard work, there's a good chance you'll exercise for longer tool the boots are currently pretly expensive (obout £70), but thete are now more and more places where you can hire them for a few hours.

2) zumba
thanks to tv shows such as stricly come dancing, more and more young people are taking up dancing lessons. tango, ballroom dancing and break dancing have never gone oul of fashion, while new forms such as zumba, a mix of fitness exercises and latin thythms, have quickly become incredibly popular. there's usually a great party atmosphere and a lively class can burn around 700 calories an hour: i's not particularly cheap, though-classes cost anything between £5 and £30 a session.

3) exergaming
there's now no excuse for gaming geeks not to be as fit as their outdoorloving friends. exergames are video games which use virtual reality to create a gym or a sports centre in your own living room. popular exergames include keep fit, yoga and aerobics. you can jog around a virtual park, head virtual footballs and fight a virtual opponent in a boxing ring. many games give you instant feedback on your performance, so it's similar to having a personal trainer. experts believe that exergaming has led to an increase in exercising alone at home, and one report concludes that gym memberships have dropped by about twenty percent since the games were introduced however, some doctors have suggested that exergaming is probably not as good for the body as real exercise.

4) body togs
these are weights (or togs) that you wear all day on your arms and legs. you can wear them under your clothes, so nobody knows you are wearing them. the idea is that the weights keep you fit as you do your daily activities walking, shopping, even sitting at home. you don't have to join a gym or find time to exercise so it's perfect for people with busy lives. the manufacturers claim that using body togs for up to ten hours a day is as good for you as a two mile run! at present, however, togs aren't widely available in the uk

anya2403 anya2403    2   24.12.2019 13:31    0

ananaaaas11 ananaaaas11  10.10.2020 22:55

1) join

2) work

3) take

4) keep

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