Вставить нужные артикли . read the article and fill in the banks everyone feels moody from time to _1_ time, but for many of us in _2_ britain, the darkening skies of winter can cast a depressing _3_ shadow. whether caused by _4_ anxiety, fear or anger, persistent moodiness can affect _5_ work, relationships, friendships, appearance and even _6_ health. by allowing our _7_ minds to be flooded with _8_ negative emotions, we are endangering our physical health as well as our emotional well - being. but as anyone who has tried to ‘just snap out of it’ will testify, _9_ mood control is not a simple feat. a slight tinge of the blues can soon develop into a full-blown bout of _10_ depression.

0513072813 0513072813    3   10.09.2019 09:30    2

romka199811p0bu18 romka199811p0bu18  07.10.2020 05:01
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2. the
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4. наверное нужно an, но я не уверена
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8. the
9. the
10. the

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