вставить: into, over, away from, on, out of.
1) Sue ran tom while she was shopping at the supermarket.
2) The police were looking for three endan gered animals which ran the zoo.
3) We" ve run sugar. Will you go and duy a pacet, please?
4) He almost ran the old woman who was crossing the road.
5) The cooker runs electricity.

81MrTNTminer81 81MrTNTminer81    3   03.02.2021 13:40    13

heylalaoxkpop heylalaoxkpop  05.03.2021 13:40

1    Sue ran into Tom while she was shopping at the supermarket.

2    The police were looking for three endangered animals which ran away from the zoo.

3    We've run out of sugar. Will you go and buy a packet, please?

4    He almost ran over the old woman who was crossing the road.

5    The cooker runs on electricity.


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