Вставить глагол to be в нужной форме 1) this interesting. 2) my the real sportsmen 3) there a table in the room 4) many old houses in our street 5) there any lectures today? 6) there a lamp over the table?
1) This book is interesting. 2) My friends are the real sportsmen. 3) Will there be a table in the room ? 4) There are many old houses in our street 5) Are there any lectures today? 6) Is there a lamp over the table?
2) My friends are the real sportsmen.
3) Will there be a table in the room ?
4) There are many old houses in our street
5) Are there any lectures today?
6) Is there a lamp over the table?
2) Are
3) Be
4) Are
5) Were
6) Is