Вставить артикли a/an/the William writes (1) letter to his bank, but he forgets to post it. This morning, he sees (2) letter on the kitchen table. Eva White is younger, she wants to be (3) musician. Now, many people think she's (4) best trumpet player in the world. I have (5) idea. Let's go to (6) new Greek restaurant in Main Street tonight. Julia arrives at (7) station at 7 o'clock and took (8) taxi to (9) city centre. We usually eat our meals in (10) kitchen. But if we have (11) guest, we eat (12) dining room. Bangkok is (13) capital of Thailand. It's (14) large city with about 8 million inhabitants. I work in Montreal. My office is on (15) third floor of (16) old building. Martin lives in (17) large town in (18) middle of Germany, but he wants to live in (19) country. He has (20) dog and he likes to take (21) dog for long walks. My husband and I lives in (22) same street when we were children. Sam has (23) older brother, Frank. I think he is (24) most handsome boy in the world. A: Excuse me, where's (25) nearest bookshop? B: It's at (26) end of this street, on (27) left. There's (28) bus stop in front of it.

dogsno dogsno    3   16.09.2021 02:33    3

WhiteFix WhiteFix  16.09.2021 06:00

William writes (1) ___a_ letter to his bank, but he forgets to post it. This morning, he sees (2) a___ letter on the kitchen table. Eva White is younger, she wants to be (3) a musician. Now, many people think she's (4) the best trumpet player in the world. I have (5) an idea. Let's go to (6) the new Greek restaurant in Main Street tonight. Julia arrives at (7) the station at 7 o'clock and took (8) a taxi to (9) the city centre. We usually eat our meals in (10) the kitchen. But if we have (11) a guest, we eat (12) in the dining room. Bangkok is (13) the capital of Thailand. It's (14) a large city with about 8 million inhabitants. I work in Montreal. My office is on (15) the third floor of (16) an old building. Martin lives in (17) the large town in (18) the middle of Germany, but he wants to live in (19) the country. He has (20) a dog and he likes to take (21) a dog for long walks. My husband and I lives in (22) the same street when we were children. Sam has (23) an older brother, Frank. I think he is (24) ___a most handsome boy in the world. A: Excuse me, where's (25) ___the nearest bookshop? B: It's at (26) ___the end of this street, on (27) ___the left. There's (28) a bus stop in front of it.

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