Вставить артикли … a , an , the где необходимо l) i have … apple. 2) this is … house … house is white. 3) what …strange man he is! 4)… peter's brother is … worker and we are … students. 5) … russia is … largest country of the world. 6) …rostov is on … right bank of… don. 7) would you have … cup of … tea? 8) …washington is … capital of … united states. 9) … butter and … cheese are made of … milk. 10) i went to … petrovs but they were not at … home. 11) do you see … sun in … sky today? 12) … lomonosov, … great russian scientist, was born in … small village on … shore of … white sea. вставить … much, many, little, few, a little, a few l) she gave him … water to wash his hands and face. 2) he had … english books at home that's why he went to library. 3) i like it here. let's stay here … longer 4) there were … new words in the text and peter spent … time learning them. 6) there was … sugar in the bowl and we put … sugar there. 7) i want to say … words about my trip. 8) there is … fresh air in the room. open the window, please. 9) why did you eat so … ice-cream?

darjaafanasjeva darjaafanasjeva    3   03.09.2019 02:50    2

tyyyyyj tyyyyyj  06.10.2020 13:45
l) I have an apple. 2) This is a house the house is white. 3) What a Strange man he is! 4)Peter's brother is a worker and we are  students. 5)  Russia is the largest country of the world. 6) Rostov is on the right bank of the Don. 7) Would you have a cup of  tea? 8) Washington is the  capital of the United States. 9)  butter and  cheese are made of  milk. 10) I went to the Petrovs but they were not at  home. 11) Do you see the sun in the sky today? 12)  Lomonosov, the great Russian scientist, was born in a small village on the shore of the White Sea.

l) She gave him little water to wash his hands and face. 2) He had few English books at home that's why he went to library. 3) I like it here. Let's stay here a little longer 4) There were a few new words in the text and Peter spent a little time learning them. 6) There was much sugar in the bowl and we put a little sugar there. 7) I want to say a few words about my trip. 8) There is little fresh air in the room. Open the window, please. 9) Why did you eat so much ice-cream?
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