Вспомните свой последний поход в магазин.напишите мини сочинение на эту тему использую своё воображение. желательно сразу на . 6 класс.заранее ! было бы здорово если будет сделано через часок.а то и меньше! на вас надежа!

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taetae8 taetae8  21.07.2020 10:56
I love to go shopping. It's always so fascinating! Especially when you are asking for parents. You immediately feel all the responsibility. You have to go around the store in search of some things, and when you find the right counter, you have to choose the best product! It's not described a pleasant feeling when you buy something,even a little something. But most of all you're filled with joy if you are buying something that I have long wanted, something that had saved, what waited so long to buy. I love to go shopping!
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