Вспомни какие притяжательные местоимения ты знаешь вставь их my.your.his.her.its.our.their 1) john hates to food.2)i love to drive .3)the stewarts have two daughters. don't go to school. they are little. 4)where is wendy? i can i cant see the girl.5) my can is black. tail black and white.6)june where ? 7)jim and tim where ? 8)we have two pects. pets are a dog and a cat.
I love to drive my car
The Stewarts have two daughters.Their daughter don't go to school.They are little.
where is Wendy? I can see her bike I can't see the girl
my can is black.Its tail black and white.
June where is your school bag?
Jim and Tim where are your school bags?
we have two pets.Our pets are a dog and a cat