Вшколе я учил (было давно).но тут в школе дали моему сыну и попросили что бы я в этом участвовали. с я не дружу. с решением. первое. прочтите текст и напишите ответы на вопросы. 1. what are two main theories of origin of petroleum? 2. which theory is more supported? 3. what are the principal components of petroleum? 4. where does nearly all petroleum occur? 5. how does the temperature of oil accumulations vary? text theory of origin of petroleum 1. there are two basic theories of origin of petroleum - the more widely accepted organic theory and the not so popular inorganic theory. there are a number of compelling reasons that support an organic development hypothesis. 2. first and foremost, is the carbon-hydrogen-organic matter connection. carbon and hydrogen are the primary constituents of organic material, both plant and animal. moreover, carbon, hydrogen, and hydrocarbons are continually produced by the life processes of plants and animals. a major breakthrough occurred when it was discovered that hydrocarbons and related compounds occur in many living organisms and are deposited in the sediments with little or no change. 3. second were observations dealing with the chemical characteristics of petroleum reservoirs. nitrogen and porphyrins (chlorophyll derivatives in plants, blood derivatives in animals) are found in all organic matter; they are also found in many petroleums. 4. third were observations dealing with the physical characteristics. nearly all petroleum occurs in sediments that are primarily of marine origin. petroleum contained in nonmarine sediments probably migrated into these areas from marine source materials located nearby. furthermore, temperatures in the deeper petroleum reservoirs seldom exceed 300of (141oc). but temperatures never exceeded 392of (200oc) where porphyrins are present because they are destroyed above this temperature. therefore the origin of petroleum is most likely a low-temperature phenomenon. 5. in 1890, sokoloff proposed a cosmic origin for petroleum. his theory was that hydrocarbons precipitated as rain from original nebular matter from which the solar system was formed. the hydrocarbons were then ejected from earth's interior onto surface rocks. 6. interest in this inorganic theory rose in the 20th century as a result of two discoveries: the existence of carbonaceous chondrites (meteorites) and the discovery that atmospheres containing methane exists for some celestial bodies such as saturn, titan, jupiter. the only known source for methane would be through inorganic reactions. 7. the discovery (mueller, 1963) of a type of meteorite called carbonaceous also led to a renewed interest in an inorganic mechanism for creating organic compounds. the chief support of an inorganic origin is that the hydrocarbons methane, ethane, acetylene, and benzene have repeatedly been made from inorganic sources. 2. найдите в тексте эквиваленты. теория происхождения нефти; общепринятая теория; характеристики; солнечная система; поверхностные породы 3. перепишите предложения и прокомментируйте их словами true (правильно) или false (неправильно) в соответствии с содержанием текста. 1. there is the only theory of origin of petroleum. 2. nitrogen and porphyrins are found in all organic matter. 3. petroleum does not originate within an anaerobic and reducing environment. 4. the hydrocarbons were then ejected from earth's interior onto surface rocks. 5. the chief support of an inorganic origin is that the hydrocarbons methane, ethane, acetylene, and benzene have repeatedly been made from inorganic sources 4. переведите седьмой абзац письменно.

anyasuharevap0ai22 anyasuharevap0ai22    2   17.08.2019 09:10    0

Valeriiiss Valeriiiss  05.10.2020 00:27
Задание 1.
1. The organic theory and the inorganic theory are two main theories of origin of petroleum. 
2. The organic theory is more supported.
3. The principal components of petroleum are hydrocarbons.
4. Nearly all petroleum occurs in sediments that are primarily of marine origin.
5. The temperature of oil accumulations seems to be low, it is rare about 300oF (141oC) and never exceeds 392oF (200oC).

Задание 2. 
Теория происхождения нефти - the theory of origin of petroleum.
Общепринятая теория the more widely accepted theory
Химические характеристики - the chemical characteristics.
Cолнечная система - the solar system.
Поверхностные породы - surface rocks.

Задание 3.
1. There is the only theory of origin of petroleum. False.
There are two theories of origin of petrolium.
2. Nitrogen and porphyrins are found in all organic matter. True.
3. Petroleum does not originate within an anaerobic and reducing environment. False.
The origin of petroleum is within an anaerobic and reducing environment. 
4. The hydrocarbons were then ejected from earth's interior onto surface rocks.True.
5. The chief support of an inorganic origin is that the hydrocarbons methane, ethane, acetylene, and benzene have repeatedly been made from inorganic sources. True.

Задание 4.
Открытие вида метеорита, названного углеродосодержащим, сделанное Мюллером в 1963 году, привело к возобновлению интереса к неорганическому механизму для создания органических компонентов. Главной поддержкой неорганического происхождения является то, что углеводороды: метан, этан, ацетилен и бензол - неоднократно были получены из неорганических источников.
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