Всем же нужны Answer the following questions:
1. What is the difference between a house and a home?
2. Why do many people feel homesick when they leave their home?
3. Why do houses differ from one culture to another?
4. How can a house indicate a person’s status?
5. What types of houses do you know?
6. Would you like to live in a travel trailer? Why?
7. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of a travel trailer?
8. What kind of house is ideal to your mind?
9. Which is more important: the exterior of a house or the atmosphere
that reigns in it? Explain your point of view.
10. Is your home important to you? Could you change your lodgings

Пупырка108974891 Пупырка108974891    1   04.11.2021 17:31    8

Dumbass1007 Dumbass1007  04.11.2021 17:40

1. House is a building, and the home is the place where you live.

2. It's because we're getting used to the home environment, and leaving it is very painful for us.

3. In ancient times, residents built their houses so that they fit their natural conditions.

4. For example, by decorations, place where it built and his condition in general.

5. Summer house, skyscraper, dugout, residential complex, hotel…

6. Yes, I would like to do it. I think it will be interesting experience, to live in a constant motion.

7. One of the biggest advantages is ability to travel when and where you want. And, one of disadvantages, is а small space.

8. It's a summer house on a seaside, somewhere in Malibu.

9. For me, both of these indicators are important. Atmosphere belongs on exterior. If exterior is bad, the atmosphere is bad too.

10. My house is the place where I can relax and be myself. And I can't change my lodgings easily, because I'm getting used to my house, and make an atmosphere in it. So it's became important to me so fast.


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