Вpresent simple or continuous или past simple or continuous 1where (you go) for your holidays last year? 2at the moment helen (read) a book written by a brazilian author. 3i left school around 5.00, (play) football for a while, then went home. 4mary (listen) to the radio when her friend barbara called. 5mary (turn off) the radio when her friend barbara called. 6in her free time helen (read) a lot. 7‘where (you spend) your holidays next year? ’ ‘in france.’ 8‘what (you do) when the rain started? ’ ‘we went inside.’ 9when they arrived in the park a lot of people (play) football. 10people (become) more and more interested in solar energy. 11‘where (you spend) your holidays? ’ ‘usually in france.’ 12she (become) rich in the fashion industry and retired to majorca. 13‘what (you do) when the rain started? ’ ‘we were playing tennis.’ 14at the moment i (stay) at a friend’s house.

AlexandraBarabash AlexandraBarabash    2   22.08.2019 02:30    1

enotkcovi enotkcovi  20.08.2020 13:25
1 did yoy go
2is reading
4was listening
5was turning
7did you spend
8were you doing
9were playing
10is becoming
11do you spend
13were you doing
14am staying
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