Вписать в предложения пассивные формы глаголов в скобках Finally, the melody (play) without a single mistake, and we all applauded. 2. Before the examination began the mobiles (turn) off. 3. The serial (Just finish) by the film crew. We hope to see it next week. 4. When we moved to this town, the big shopping centre (build) but it had neither a roof, nor windows. 5. Tomorrow all your questions (answer) at the conference. 6. Please don't come in: the room (not, prepare) for the concert yet

UltimatumRenata UltimatumRenata    2   31.01.2021 10:47    12

asdfdsf01oziqid asdfdsf01oziqid  16.01.2024 06:38
1. Finally, the melody was played without a single mistake, and we all applauded.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "play" is in the past tense and the subject of the sentence is the melody. Therefore, we use the past tense of the verb "play" in the passive voice, which is "was played".

2. Before the examination began the mobiles were turned off.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "turn" is in the past tense and the subject of the sentence is the mobiles. Therefore, we use the past tense of the verb "turn" in the passive voice, which is "were turned".

3. The serial has just been finished by the film crew. We hope to see it next week.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "finish" is in the present perfect tense and the subject of the sentence is the serial. Therefore, we use the present perfect tense of the verb "finish" in the passive voice, which is "has been finished".

4. When we moved to this town, the big shopping centre had been built but it had neither a roof, nor windows.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "build" is in the past perfect tense and the subject of the sentence is the big shopping centre. Therefore, we use the past perfect tense of the verb "build" in the passive voice, which is "had been built".

5. Tomorrow all your questions will be answered at the conference.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "answer" is in the future tense and the subject of the sentence is all your questions. Therefore, we use the future tense of the verb "answer" in the passive voice, which is "will be answered".

6. Please don't come in: the room has not been prepared for the concert yet.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "prepare" is in the present perfect tense and the subject of the sentence is the room. Therefore, we use the present perfect tense of the verb "prepare" in the passive voice, which is "has not been prepared".
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