Вот текст, нужно ответить на вопросы по нему. First the King of Siam had two daughters and he called them Night and Day. Then he had two more, so he changed the names of the first ones and called the four of them after the seasons, Spring and Autumn, Winter and Summer. But in course of time he had three others and he changed their names again and called all seven by the days of the week. But when his eighth daughter was born he didn't know what to do till he suddenly through of the months of the year.
The Queen said there were only twelve and it was difficult for her to remember so many new names. But the King could never change his mind. He changed the names of all his daughters again and called them January, February, March, (though of course in Siamese) till he came to the youngest, who was called August, and the next was called September.
"That only leaves Ocrober, November and December," said the Queen. "And after that we shall begin all over again. " " No, we shan't, "said the King, " because I think twelve daughters are enough for any man and after the birth of dear little December I shall have to cut off your had. " He cried bitterly when he said this because he was extremely fond of the Queen. Of course it made the Queen very sad, too.
But it's so happening that there was no need for them to worry because September was the last daughter they ever had. The Queen only had sons after that and to they were called by the letters of the alphabet, so there was no cause to worry for a long time, since they had only reached the letter J.
Now the King of Siam's daughters had their characters permanently spoilt by having to change their names in this way. Only September, whose name had never been changed, hadd s very sweet and charming nature.