Вот let*s play the champion game make up as many guestions as you can who is champion ? пишу подробно в 1 столбике написаны слова are и is во 2 столбике написаны слова you./ /hat boy/ those girls/ these men/ thise woman. в 3 столбике напсаны слова tired? / hungry? / happy? / clever?

AruzhanDias AruzhanDias    3   28.03.2019 22:50    6

EvaMr EvaMr  27.05.2020 07:09


1. Are those girls tired? - уставшие 

Are those girls hungry? - голодные

Are those girls happy? - счастливые

Are those girls clever? - умные


2. Is that boy tired?

Is that boy hungry?

Is that boy happy?

Is that boy clever?


3. Are those men tired?

Are those men  hungry?

Are those men  happy?

Are those men clever?


4. Is this woman tired?

Is this woman hungry?

Is this woman happy?

Is this woman clever?

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