Вот это все надо сделать, не я конечно в своем то возрасте без школы и так хорошо знаю английский но это я забыл причем еще как забыл. Use of English
Task 2. Complete the sentences with the PAST SIMPLE (Affirmative or Negative) of the verbs in brackets
1. Last Thursday our class (go) to France for the day.
2. I (get) up early.
3. Mum (make) some sandwiches.
4. I (leave) home at eight o'clock.
5. I (not/go) to school yesterday because I (not/be) very well.
6. Tom (not/shave) this morning because he (not/have) time.
7. Dad (miss) his train to work.
8. We (do) lots of interesting things.
9. We (drive) back to the station very fast.
10. We (have) a great time in France.

Madina07152005 Madina07152005    3   23.12.2020 13:33    1

BkyCHblu5DoLLluPaK BkyCHblu5DoLLluPaK  22.01.2021 13:35

Task 2

1 went

2 got

3 made

4 left

5 didnt go,didnt be

6 didnt shave,didnt has

7 missed

8 did

9 drove

10 had

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