ВОПРОС: Ifrom England. ВОПРОС: This is my friend……..name is Tom.
ВОПРОС: My mother……..41 years old.
ВОПРОС: Helen can be …….. at times and doesn’t like working.
ВОПРОС: Superheroes……..double lives.
ВОПРОС: The weather…..nice today.
ВОПРОС: Ann… home now.
ВОПРОС: Mark is ……..and doesn’t make mistakes.
ВОПРОС: That’s not ……..umbrella. Mine is black.
ВОПРОС: Helen is……..she doesn’t mind waiting for things.
ВОПРОС: Where……...you work?
ВОПРОС: ……..is a scarf.
ВОПРОС: He……..watching TV at the moment.
ВОПРОС: She……..Spanish at school.
ВОПРОС: They want to see……
ВОПРОС: Catherine is going out with……..friends this evening.
ВОПРОС: Ann ……..her room now.
ВОПРОС: My ……..name is Frank.
ВОПРОС: Valerie……..married and has a baby .
ВОПРОС: Laura……..puzzles.
ВОПРОС: Ann isand enjoys talking to people.
ВОПРОС: How……..he get to school?
ВОПРОС: She……...always careful.
ВОПРОС: They often …….. basketball.
ВОПРОС: Pete usually……..to bed at 10:00.
ВОПРОС: …on a cruise last weekend?
ВОПРОС: He …….. in a cottage by the sea.
ВОПРОС: They …….. on the way to the hotel yesterday to book their boat tickets.
ВОПРОС: She drives a …….. car.
ВОПРОС: Simon …….. his passport, so he missed his flight.
ВОПРОС: The boys …….. to walk, so they rented bicycles to travel around the island.
ВОПРОС: James …….. to rent a house by the sea, but it was too expensive.
ВОПРОС: Natalie …….. to the village last week; it was a long trip and the road was bumpy.
ВОПРОС: Susan’s parents have a …….. puppy.
ВОПРОС: Did Andrew go on a skiing holiday ……..?
ВОПРОС: We visited America two years …….. . It was an amazing trip!
ВОПРОС: Did you …….. to go on holiday with your grandparents when you were ten years old?
ВОПРОС: Last summer we …….. a wonderful time when we stayed by the sea!
ВОПРОС: What time …….. your dad leave for the airport yesterday?
ВОПРОС: Maria …….. London two weeks ago.
ВОПРОС: In the summer, some people like going on …….. holidays to enjoy the sea and sun.
ВОПРОС: My parents go on a …….. around the Mediterranean on a ship every summer.
ВОПРОС: We stay in a little log …….. when we go skiing in the Alps.

reshetnicova74 reshetnicova74    3   16.11.2020 06:55    0

operovist operovist  16.11.2020 07:00

ya ploxo razbirayus' v algebre


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