Laser Work book page 69, ex.1

1. Rewrite the words to complete the gaps in the sentences.

1. Jacques is frowning because he`s (tupes) about his
2. She`s (naygr) because her parents won`t give her
3. My parents are (rredowi) that I might fall and hurt.
4. Were you(drispruse) that Wendy could speak Russian?
5. Paul said Tori was coming, but Sade said Tori wasn`t coming: I`m very
6. Don`t be (racsde). It`s just a film!
New words:
1. Relationship – отношение
2. Fair – справедливый
3. Grow-расти
4. Allow- позволять,
5. Argue- спорить
6. Give- давать
7. Upset-расстраивать
8. Angry - злой(ая)
9. Scared- испуганный
10. Surprised- удивленный
11. Worried- тревожный
12. Confused- спутанный

sadpoli sadpoli    3   22.04.2020 07:15    8

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