Vocabulary 1 Write opposite s of the word s in bold .
a I have two watches - a very expensive one and
a one that I wear at school.
b At the market, Jerry bought a CD for £5, and
some old DVDs for £10.
c Jill wanted to borrow 50€ from me, but I didn't
her the money.
d Gary won £100 on the lottery. Then he bought
100 tickets and it!
2. Write comparative or superlative sentences .
a Jonathan / tall / Penny.

b Samantha / short student / in our class.

c My new bike / good / my old bike.

d They / rich people / in the village.

e Kelly / bad tennis player / at the club.

f I / old person / at the party

3. Correct the sentences .
a Gareth's computer's old too.

b My trousers aren't enough long.

c My coffee is too hot for drink.

d Your homework isn't enough good

4. Complete the sentences with some, any,
a lot of, much or many.
a Terry doesn't have money with him.
He's only got ten euros.
b How pens are there in your pocket?
c We've got too homework.
d I want to buy new shoes.
e Jenny is very popular. She has got
f He's very rich. In fact, I think he's got too
g How time do you have?
h There are too banks in Hollywood.
i There weren't people on the island.
j How children are there in your class?
5 Read the text an d answer the questions .
How much pocket money do teenagers get every week? Too much is what man y older people think, but is this true? Do they get too much money? Or don' t they get enough? These were some of the questions that a recent survey wanted to answer. In the survey, they asked the question, 'How much money do you r parents give you every week?' The answers were surprising . I t seems that allowances rise with age, with 13-year-olds getting an average
of 20 a month , 16-year-olds getting 20 more than that, an d 18-year-olds getting 80, a further
40 more than 16-year-olds. This means that the average British teenager now gets 520 a year in
pocket money. Pocket money levels in Britain are now 50% higher than they were 20 years ago.
However, in the survey a lot of teenagers said that it wasn't fair to call the money they get 'pocket
money'. They said that most teenagers earn their money by doing jobs about the house. A lot of
teenagers tidy rooms or wash dishes. Moreover, over 60% of the surveyed teenagers, including a
third of those under 16, also had some sort of paid employment. The under-16s do gardening , wash cars, deliver newspapers an d walk dogs, while those over 1 6 do babysitting , or work in shops or restaurants. So, finally, where does al l the money go? Well, teenagers spend more money on beauty products than on anything else. They also spend money socializing, an d save money to buy thing s like MP3 players, mobile phones and laptops.
a What do a large number of older people think
about the amount of pocket money teenagers
b How much pocket money do 16-year-olds get,
on average?
c In what way is it unfair to call the money
teenagers get 'pocket money?
d What sort of jobs do teenagers under 16 do?
e What do teenagers spend most money on?

vladholyngha vladholyngha    1   03.12.2020 13:17    364

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