Вкаждой строке нужно найти лишнее слово(может не быть) the day of my journey to geneva was very foggy and i was afraid about the flight might be cancelled. when i rang the airport, they told me i should be check in at the normal time. on the way to there in a taxi the fog seemed to be getting thicker but as we arrived i saw a plane landing, which it cheered me up. there were a lot of people in the departure lounge at the first but more and more of them disappeared as their flights were called. after an hour in there were only about six of us left and then we had heard the words i'd been dreading: 'we are regret to announce the cancellation of flight 267 to geneva. 'naturally, we all demanded to know if what was going to happen to us and, in the end, the airline out us on a plane to dublin. from there we were caught a flight to paris, where we had to travel to a different terminal by the bus before finally boarding a plane for geneva. we arrived, exhausted, five hours late.

Тилилинка Тилилинка    2   15.09.2019 09:40    8

Челoвечeк Челoвечeк  07.10.2020 16:47
out us on a plane to Dublin. From there
we caught a flight to Paris, where we had to travel
to a different terminal by bus before finally boarding
a plane for Geneva. We arrived, exhausted, five hours late.
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