Викторина по английскому языку "Discovering New Zealand". всего 14 вопросов, нужно выбрать только букву
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те, что не вместились на фото:
New Zealanders have a nickname which is also the name of a bird
found only in that country. What is it?
a) kiwis b) emus c) toucans
New Zealand was the first country in the world to introduce ...
a) an old age pension b) a driving license c) votes for women
What season is Christmas in New Zealand?
a) winter b) summer c) autumn
New Zealand has over 2,600 classified spider species and many
more yet to be classified. The largest, the Nelson cave spider,
can have a leg span of up to
a) 5 centimetres b) 9 centimetres c) 13 centimetres
What farm animal do most people immediately associate with NZ?
a) sheep b) cows c) horses
New Zealand is a very beautiful country with a great variety
of scenery. Many popular movies were made here. Which one
of these series of films was made in New Zealand?
a) "Avatar" b) “Lord of the Rings" c) "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Викторина по английскому языку Discovering New Zealand. всего 14 вопросов, нужно выбрать только бу

follizy follizy    3   21.10.2020 20:20    1

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