VII. Circle the right variant. 1. A: Have you bought new furniture? B: a) No, the furniture in this room is old, b) No, the furniture in this room are old. 2. A: What's the time? B: a) I don't know. My watch is broken. b) I don't know. My watches are broken. c) I don't know. My o'clock is broken. 3. A: What sights would you like to see if you came to London? B: a) I would go to Trafalgar Square, b) I shall go to Trafalgar Square, c) I would like to buy a match-box toy. 4. A: What do you say if you haven't heard a remark and want it to be repeated? B: a) If you please? b) I beg your pardon. c) Excuse me. 5. A: What reply do you give to "How are you?" B: a) And how do do? b) And how are you? c) Very well, thank you. How are you? you
1) а (furniture - неисчисляемое)
2) a ( часы - исчисляемое, в данном случае на руке они у тебя одни, соответственно is)
3) a ( woul - желание сделать что либо, указывает на положительный исход действий; should - имеет значение следует ( т.е совет рекомендация, может указывать на неблагоприятный исход)
4) с ( используется в большинстве случаев для привлечения внимания.)
5) c ( из соображений вежливости)