вас решите тест по герундию , 20 you can’t stop me what i want. doing do to do that i do i must go now. i promised late. not being not to be to not be do you want with you or do you want to go alone? me coming me to come that i come that i will come i know i locked the door. i clearly remember it. locking to lock to have locked she tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help . laughing to laugh that she laughed laugh paul lives in berlin now. he likes there. living to live it is not my favorite job, but i like the kitchen as often as possible. cleaning clean to clean that i clean i am tired. i’d rather out this evening, if you don’t mind. not going not to go don’t go not go ‘shall i stay here? ’ ‘i’d rather with us.’ you come you to come you came you would come are you looking forward on holiday? going to go to going that you go when lisa came to britain, she had to get used on the left. driving to driving to drive i am thinking a house. do you think that’s a good idea? to buy of to buy of buying i had no a place to live. in fact it was surprisingly easy. difficulty to find difficulty finding trouble to find a friend of mine phoned me to a party. for invite to invite for inviting for to invite jim doesn’t speak very clearly. it is difficult to understand him. he is difficult to understand him. the path was icy, so we walked very carefully. we were afraid . of falling from falling to fall to falling i didn’t hear you in. you must have been very quiet. come to come came a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner. finding after finding having find we found she noticed away from the house. him to run him run him ran i’d advise more exercise. to take you to take you taking

ДарьяРэя ДарьяРэя    3   26.09.2019 00:10    4

sertarsertar205 sertarsertar205  08.10.2020 19:35
‘Shall I stay here?’ ‘I’d rather ... with us.’ Тут непонятно, Остальные ответы.

Doing, not to be, me to come, locking, laughing,  living, not go, to going, to drive, of buying, difficulty finding, to invite, It is difficult to understand him., of falling, come, After finding (должно быть having found) , him run, you to take