Вас даны комплекты предложений (одинаковые). из них нужно составить диалог. – hello, i’d like a sweaters, please. – we’ve got a lot of sweaters. what size? – size 36, please. – try this one. how is it? – it’s too big. have you got a smaller one. – i’m afraid, we haven’t. – too bad. well, thanks for your help. goodbye! комплект предложений – i’m afraid, we haven’t. – try this one. how is it? – hello, i’d like a sweaters, please. – it’s too big. have you got a smaller one. – too bad. well, thanks for your help. goodbye! – we’ve got a lot of sweaters. what size? – size 36, please.

Pavelilik Pavelilik    1   27.08.2019 09:20    1

partypoison6 partypoison6  20.08.2020 16:26
--Hello! Can I help you?
---Oh yes. I'd like to buy a sweater. ---
---We have many sweaters.
Will you try on this one.
--- Is it my size?
Yes it's your size.
I think this color doesn't suit me.
Have you got another color?
--- Oh,no. We have only the sweaters of green color.
--- It's a pity. Thanks for your help.
Good -bye.
--- Bye.
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