Вариант 2прочитайте параграфы текста (1-5), установите соответствия между ними и утверждения-ми (af). отметьте каждый параграф соответствующей буквой. в списке есть одно лишнееутверждениеa) this text describes what happens on the football field during the game.b) this text explains why the game is so popular nowadays.c) this text writes about the beginnings of american football.d) this text explains the rules of the game.e) the text explains where the game is popular.f) the text describes the ground where american football is played.american football1. ethis american game is enjoyed by a lot of people. it is played in schools, colleg-es and by professional teams. unlike basketball and baseball, which are playedin other parts of the world, this type of football, until recently, has been specifi-cally american. in this game the players carry or throw the ball much more thanthey kick' it. in the usa they call the game just football.2. camerican football originated in the usa, where it remains the most popularsport. it is something like european football and rugby. the very first gamewas played as far back as in 1869, between two college teams, rutgers andprinceton. its rules have changed gradually.3.fnow the game is played by two teams of eleven athletes on a field 100 yards(91m) long from goal line to goal line, by 160 feet (49 m) wide. end zones extend10 yards (9 m) behind each goal line. the field is marked with white lines every5 yards along its length. the football which the players use has an oval shapeand weighs about 450 grammes.4. ain this game the team, which controls the ball, tries to move along the field tothe opponent's goal by running with the ball or passing it. at the same time,the other team do their best to stop the attacking team and take control of theball for themselves.5. da game of american football lasts 60 minutes and is divided into four 15-min-ute quarters. points are scored either by carrying the ball over the opponent'sgoal line (a touchdown), or by kicking the ball over the goalpost from any partof the field (a field goal). a touchdown gives the team 6 points; a field goal3 points. the idea is to get more points than the opponent's team.