В скобке слова написаны неверно, вам нужно по смыслу их верно восстановить. Someone really should do something about the traffic. It’s (eletribr). It’s getting worse every day. There are so many cars on the roads these days. It’s a (gtmihnrae) driving in the city. Bumper to (ubmpre) even at midnight. I don’t know where all this traffic came from. You turn on the radio and the traffic (oprtre) is all about (cognisenot) here, snarl-ups and (cliodksrg) there. The answer must be to get better public (roatrtsnp). Let people take the train or bus. People need to leave their cars at home. The roads are too (grounsade). And then there’s the (pllouniot). It’s disgusting outside sometimes. You feel like you’re (brenihtag) pure fumes. We need to get rid of these traffic jams so we can move and breathe more easily.

12CoolGirl121 12CoolGirl121    3   09.03.2021 07:35    1

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