В life
С the living
D lives
2. I picked up … on that course.
A an interesting knowledge В interesting knowledges
С some interesting knowledge
D some interesting knowledges
3. My sister can't sing well and … .
A and I can't
В neither can I
С either can I
D neither can't I
4. He gave me … how to do it better.
A most advice
В lots of advices
С a lot of advices
D a lot of advice
5. … to go to bed.
A All of us didn't want
В None of us wanted
С None of us didn't want
D None of us did want
6. Did Leo Tolstoy write any books … 'Anna Karenina'?
A except
В as an exception
С besides
D beside
7. … English is a world language.
A -
В The
С An
8. Mary wanted Arthur to help her but he ….
A denied
В refused
С say 'no'
D didn't agree with her
9. A lot of paper … in our office.
A wasted
В will waste
С is wasted
D are wasted
10. No one has seen him … yesterday.
A for
В since
С from
D with
11. Simply write "US" (American) or "UK" (British):
The elevator in my apartment building is broke again.
I hate people who park their bikes on the pavement.
12. You will enjoy your stay here if you … to our street sing.
A will pay attention
В will give attention
С pay attention
D give attention
13. I really dislike hot porridge. … .
A And she does
В So, does she
С She also does
D As she does​

dgrigoref dgrigoref    3   18.05.2020 14:29    0

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