В этом тексте семь ненужных слов. Найди и вычеркни их.

Susan was feeling very tired that night
so at 9 o'clock she decided to go
to bed. She was too much tired
to stay up any longer. As she
was going up the stairs she
heard a noise which it was
coming from the attic. She was
frightened but had decided to go
and see what it was. In the
attic there wasn't enough of
light to see properly. Susan
lit a candle but it still wasn't so
bright enough. She heard the
noise again. It was coming
from the corner of the attic. She
was being terrified. She picked up a
broom which she found it on the
floor. Just then, a huge bat flew
towards her. Susan screamed very
loudly and ran quickly back downstairs.

Sergei74 Sergei74    2   26.11.2021 01:05    61

BatsonPlay BatsonPlay  26.11.2021 06:43
1. it was too cold there

2. I liked it very much

3. write a letter to her parents every week

4. Usually I am very tired

5. so much time

6. was awfully upset

7. was so strong

8. large, beautiful, pine, old

9. the cars moved slowly

10. I don't know her well enough

11. I have seen just

12. not careful enough

13. it is not big enough

14. a nice, four-bedroom, not very old, wooden Swiss

15. did Jane go
Андрей14411 Андрей14411  26.11.2021 09:22
мог ли бы не знаю как ты думаешь я тебе на почту не могу найти в школе не будет и в принципе я могу сказать то же время в пути в индию и в душ пойду в магазин за что ты можешь мне сказать что ты можешь сказать то же время в пути к ней на меня и в душ сходила на почту не могу найти не может не быть в этом и в принципе я могу тебе позвонить но я могу тебе позвонить в банк в школе не будет в этом и в душ пойду потом ещё раз я тебе на работу не надо было в этом году
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