Відповідь .
2. The fisherman caught a great number of today.
A) salmon; B) salmons; C) the salmon; D) the salmons
Відповідь .
3. He a bath when the door bell rang.
A) was having; B) is having; C) had; D) has
Відповідь .
4. I usually go to school
A) on foot; B) by foot; C) in foot; D) on feet
Відповідь .
5. I am looking forward hearing from you.
A) – ; B) on ; C) to; D) of
Відповідь .
6. Denis for the company since he left university.
A) has been working; B) works; C) is working; D) have worked
Відповідь .
7. Some of wildlife on Earth can be seen in the Amazon rainforest.
A) the most incredible; B) more incredible; C) most incredible; D) incrediblest
Відповідь .
8. Уou see a doctor if you have a high temperature.
A) might; B) should; C) ought; D) was able
Відповідь .
9. Would you mind me £5 until tomorrow?
A) lend; B) lending; C lends; D) to lend
Відповідь .
10. Did you all enjoy at the amusement park?
A) yours; B) yourselves; C) you; D) yourself
Відповідь .
11. You'd better your raincoat today.
A) wearing; B) to wear; C) wear; D) wore
Відповідь .
12. America's first college, Harvard, in Massachusetts in 1636.
A) founded; B) was founded; C) had been founded; D) was found
Відповідь .
13. The government promised to help 1) unemployed.
A) an; B) –; C) the; D) a
Відповідь .
14. There a lot of furniture in the room.
A) are; B) were; C) is; D) will
Відповідь .
15. Let's close up the shop early this evening, ?
A) won't we; B shall we; C will we; D) should we

danisimokuvshn danisimokuvshn    1   27.04.2020 21:44    7

valeriaro294 valeriaro294  13.10.2020 23:42

1. C

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. A

8. B

9. B

10. D

11. C

12. B

13. C

14. C

15. B


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