Утвердительные и отрицательные предложения со фразами: to like,to love,to be fond of smth,to be interested in smth,to be keen on smth,to be mad about smth,to be bad at smth заранее ! ,за 50

vershinindaniil1 vershinindaniil1    2   18.08.2019 19:20    0

ybibisheva ybibisheva  05.10.2020 03:25
I like coffee.
I don't like this film.

She loves her sister.
He doesn't love his teacher.

My friend is fond of listening to music
I am not fond of horror films

I am interested in American history
Mary is not interested in skateboarding

My brother is keen on football
I am not keen on rock music

Arseniy is mad about their new album
Mum isn't mad about this idea

I am bad at tennis
He isn't bad at writing poems

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