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this text tells about
1) a popular singer
2) a film star
3) a famous writer
4) a great inventor
5) a famous artist
6) the first european in america
a. little did she, in her wildest dreams, though that a delayed train
journey from manchester to london would change her life for good!
the woman behind the harry potter franchise, j.k. rowling or
simply joanne rowling is one of the best-selling authors today.
rowling's is a typical rags to riches story – from living on state
benefits to becoming a multi-millionaire author.'
b. a popular musical figure for over five decades, he was well-known
for the creativity he infused into his works. born and raised in
brixton, south london, he became interested in music at a young
age. soon there was no doubt in his mind that his calling was to
become a singer. however, his claim to stardom did not come
c. jan was a slow worker, producing only three paintings a year.
this was partly due to his technique of granular painting. he
built up layers of colour - a technique known as pointille. this
enabled a depth of colour to shine through. he was meticulous in
capturing the light and colour of his various subjects. unusually
for the time, jan often focused on simple household scenes such
as "the milkmaid' or the 'music lesson'.
d. leif erikson was an icelandic explorer who became the first
european to reach north america. much of leif erikson's life is
generated by the two sagas. though the two describe erikson's
voyage to north america differently, they agree on the point that
erikson found america, much before christopher columbus did.
spending winter in vinland, he sailed back to greenland. erikson
spent much of his later life spreading christianity.

e.tom hardy is well-known for his powerful performance in films like "mad max: fury road ","inception" and "the revenant".
he discovered his passion for acting when he was a young boy , but his drug addiction and alcoholism held him back from fulfilling his dream for a few years. he is completely dedicated to his profession and gets totally involved in the characters he plays.​

instajoha1p0917j instajoha1p0917j    2   20.10.2019 13:31    48

asvpdsh asvpdsh  11.09.2020 11:17

А 3

B 1

C 5

D 6

E 2


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