Use the verbs in the appropriate form. -andy,could you look after my cat while we are away on holiday? -well,i dont really (25) if it was a goldfish or a parrot. but a cat is a aifferent matter. -why? my felix is very clever. i would say he a very intelligent cat. he (26) with us for six years already. -well,ok. i (27) after him. but i want to have very detailed instructions on what i should do. -sure. everything felix (28) is food and fresh water. as for the food, any packaged food for cats will do. and he cant do without music. -music? -yes. you know, once i (29) a disc with the most popular songs of the 20th century. -and what happened? -when i (30) to the disc, felix came into the room and sat in front of my stereo.when i wanted to turn off the music, he protested loudly. -you are kidding. вот слова, которые надо вставить: agree, live, look, need, cive, listen.

hitman1790 hitman1790    1   01.09.2019 02:50    2

maksatkuliyev4 maksatkuliyev4  06.10.2020 08:56
(25) would agree (26) has lived (27) will look after (28) needs (29) was given
(30) was listening to
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