Use the prompts below to write true sentences about you.
Example: I / tall / to switch on the light. - I’m (not)
tall enough to switch on the light.
1. My brothers / friendly. 2. My mum / strong / to
lift a car. 3. My pet / (im)patient / to wait for its food,
4. I / thin 4 to get under my bed. 5. I 7 kind-hearted.
6. I / (dis)organised / to do my homework in time.
7. My clothes / smart / for school. 8. My allowance /
large / to buy a new pair of trainers.

JuliaPetrova56 JuliaPetrova56    3   17.11.2020 17:06    16

elizka070408 elizka070408  18.01.2024 21:28
1. My brothers are friendly. (positive statement, no need for any changes)
2. My mum is not strong enough to lift a car. (negative statement, need to add "not" before "strong enough")
3. My pet is impatient to wait for its food. (positive statement, no need for any changes)
4. I am too thin to get under my bed. (need to change "4" to "too")
5. I am kind-hearted. (positive statement, no need for any changes)
6. I am organized enough to do my homework in time. (need to change "dis" to "self")
7. My clothes are smart for school. (positive statement, no need for any changes)
8. My allowance is not large enough to buy a new pair of trainers. (negative statement, need to add "not" before "large enough")

In the given prompts, we are provided with incomplete sentences about ourselves. We need to complete the sentences using the given prompts and making sure the sentences are true. We can either use positive or negative statements depending on the prompt.

Let's go through each prompt and complete the sentences step by step:

1. My brothers / friendly.
This prompt is already completed and it states that our brothers are friendly. We can just use the same sentence.

2. My mum / strong / to lift a car.
In this prompt, we need to state whether our mum is strong enough to lift a car. If she is strong, we can use a positive statement, but if she is not strong enough, we need to use a negative statement. In this case, we need to use a negative statement, so we add "not" before "strong enough."

3. My pet / (im)patient / to wait for its food.
In this prompt, we need to state whether our pet is patient or impatient to wait for its food. If our pet is patient, we can use a positive statement, but if it is impatient, we need to use a negative statement. In this case, our pet is impatient, so no changes are needed.

4. I / thin 4 to get under my bed.
In this prompt, we need to state whether we are thin enough to get under our bed. If we are thin enough, we can use a positive statement, but if we are not thin enough, we need to use a negative statement. In this case, we are not thin enough, so we need to change "4" to "too."

5. I 7 kind-hearted.
In this prompt, we need to state whether we are kind-hearted. This prompt is already completed and it states that we are kind-hearted. We can just use the same sentence.

6. I / (dis)organised / to do my homework in time.
In this prompt, we need to state whether we are organized or disorganized enough to do our homework in time. If we are organized, we can use a positive statement, but if we are disorganized, we need to use a negative statement. In this case, we are disorganized, so we need to change "(dis)" to "self."

7. My clothes / smart / for school.
This prompt is already completed and it states that our clothes are smart for school. We can just use the same sentence.

8. My allowance / large / to buy a new pair of trainers.
In this prompt, we need to state whether our allowance is large enough to buy a new pair of trainers. If our allowance is large enough, we can use a positive statement, but if it is not large enough, we need to use a negative statement. In this case, our allowance is not large enough, so we need to add "not" before "large enough."

By following these steps, we can complete each prompt and write true sentences about ourselves using the given prompts.
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