Use the Present Simple, the Future Simple and the Future Perfect in the following sentences. 1. By the time students (to start) learning a second language they (to master) the first one.
2. We (to finish) all the homework by 6 o'clock this afternoon.
3. I (to read) this book by tomorrow evening.
4. I hope they (to receive) my letter by Saturday and (not to expect) me on Sunday.
5. I still (to be) here next summer but Tom (to leave).
6. If you (to think) it over you (to see) I am right.
7. They (to do) half of the journey when they (to reach) the Volga.
8. We've got five days in London: we are leaving on Monday. But I'm sure that we (to see) everything of importance by then.
9. Fleur (to finish) tidying up before the guests (to come).
10. "I'm going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches." "You (to be) late. By the time you (to get) there they (to finish) their speeches and everybody (to go) home."

vadimamaniya vadimamaniya    3   11.12.2020 17:51    5

Tina2103 Tina2103  10.01.2021 17:52

Use the Present Simple, the Future Simple and the Future Perfect in the following sentences.

1. By the time students (start) learning a second language they (wil have mastered) the first one.

2. We (shall have finished) all the homework by 6 o'clock this afternoon.

3. I (shal have read) this book by tomorrow evening.

4. I hope they (will have received) my letter by Saturday and (will not expect) me on Sunday.

5. I shall still (be) here next summer but Tom (will have left).

6. If you (think) it over you (will see) I am right.

7. They (will have done) half of the journey when they (reach) the Volga.

8. We've got five days in London: we are leaving on Monday. But I'm sure that we (shall have seen) everything of importance by then.

9. Fleur (will have finished) tidying up before the guests (come).

10. "I'm going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches." "You (are) late. By the time you (get) there they (will have finish) their speeches and everybody (will have gone) home."

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