Use the phrases given below to fill in the gaps.
Secondary education, training, final state examinations, vocational education curricula, to provide mobility, entrance exams, degree of a Specialist, to provide access, competition, distance learning students.
1. To enter the higher institution every applicant should pass .
2. is compulsory in Russia.
3. is awarded after 5 or 6 years of study.
4. Institute is an independent higher educational institution which applies in specific areas of science, technology and culture.
5. The Intermediate Higher degree is designed between various higher educational institutions.
6. Final state certification includes the presentation of the graduation project and .
7. In many modern universities large computer centers are established to Internet resources for the students.
8. to enter state university for the specialties that are in great demand nowadays is 5 applications for one place.
9. To get a Bachelor’s degree a student needs not less than four years of .
10. Part-time and constitute one third of the overall number of students in the country.