Use the ideas below as well as your own to suggest solutions to some of the problems in the pictures

Игорь3773 Игорь3773    3   03.09.2019 12:39    13

браинли56 браинли56  06.10.2020 14:43

* Walking is healthy than driving. Less driving is good for an environment.

* Recycling decrease pollution, and make responsible consumption.

* Sanctuaries and hunting control protect wildlife from extinction.  

* Homeless shelters help those in need. It is more important, when climate conditions are severe (cold, wind, and flooding, extreme heat).  

* Adopting endangered animals protects spices from extinction.

* Free public housing is an important social initiative, to protect people in need and prevent crime.

* Affordable public transport decrease CO2 pollution in the cities, as more people prefer it over to private car use.  


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