Use the gerund instead of the subordinate clauses. 1. he didn`t even acknowledge that had received the invitation. 2. i remember mother reprimanded me when i spoiled her favourite fish-cake. 3. we recommended that the work should start at once. 4. thank you that you reminded me. 5. nick suggested that we should dine at a restraint to celebrate this little event.

ЭлькаЭля ЭлькаЭля    1   28.08.2019 05:20    3

Lissabone Lissabone  06.10.2020 00:02
1. He didn`t even acknowledge having received the invitation.
2. I remember mother's reprimanding me for my spoiling her favourite fish-cake.
3. We recommended starting the work at once.
4. Thank you for reminding.
5. Nick suggested our dining at a restraint to celebrate this little event.
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