Use: much, many, a lot of
1. I don't eat mangoes.
2. He eats fish.
3. There were plates( тарелки) on the table.
4. I don’t eat bread with soup.
5. Why did you eat so ice cream?
6. She didn’t write exersises.
IV. Use: little or few
1. He has got friends.
2. I drink coffee. I don't like it.
3. We must hurry. We've got very time.
4. The Smiths have money. They aren't rich.

V. Use the Present Perfect Continuous ( поставить глагол в Present Perfect
Continuous) см. правило в тетради
1. The vegetables (boil) since 10 o’clock.
2. He (wait) for her answer for six months.
4. I (try) to find my documents since last Sunday.
5. They (learn) English for a couple of years.
6. My brother (play) computer games for 3 hours.

VI. Put (распредели) the food/drinks into the correct category
a packet of crisps, low-fat yoghurt, brown rice, butter, a bar of chocolate, coffee,
green peppers, bananas, lamp chops, white bread, lemonade, milk.

Fruit and Vegetables

Dairy products


Cereal, grains and pasta


Ясмина1604 Ясмина1604    2   27.04.2020 12:50    2

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