Use any or no and the words in the box: snow,petrol,teeth,big hills,legs,oxygen. 1.why is it easy to ride a bike in holland? because there 2.why don't people go skiing in the north of australia? because there isn' 3.why can't snakes run? because they've 4.why do astronauts need space-suits to survive on the moon? because there' 5.why are solar cars good for the environment? because they don't 6.why can't birds bite? because they've

21122007 21122007    3   21.09.2019 04:50    0

olgavoronina19 olgavoronina19  08.10.2020 06:20
1. no big hills
2. any snow
3. no legs
4. no oxygen
5. any petrol
6. no teeth
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