Use a suffix to make these nouns into adjectives. Then complete the sentences. wonder music power politics peace nature profession success
Tiger Woods is one of the most golfers of all time. He has won lots of competitions.
I am taking part in a protest. I don’t agree with the government.
My doctor gave me painkillers, but I prefer medicines, such as herbs.
David Beckham became a football player when he was seventeen, and started playing for Manchester United.
The actress Julia Roberts plays two instruments: the clarinet and the oboe.
Koala bears are very quiet and animals. They sit in trees and eat leaves.
‘I got the job I really wanted!’ ‘That's news! Congratulations!’
Elephants are extremely dangerous and animals.
Tiger Woods is one of the most successful golfers of all time. He has won lots of competitions.
I am taking part in a political protest. I don’t agree with the government.
My doctor gave me painkillers, but I prefer natural medicines, such as herbs.
David Beckham became a professional football player when he was seventeen, and started playing for Manchester United.
The actress Julia Roberts plays two musical instruments: the clarinet and the oboe.
Koala bears are very quiet and peaceful animals. They sit in trees and eat leaves.
‘I got the job I really wanted!’ ‘That's wonderful news! Congratulations!’
Elephants are extremely dangerous and powerful animals.