Урок 7., раздел 8, стр Английский 10 класс
Прочитайте текст, переведите и ответьте на во по тексту письменно. Предложения составляйте полные.
1. What profession has got Maressa Orzak? Where does she work?
2. What does she research?
3. What does she see a big problem today?
4. Has she got any addiction?
5. How does she define computer addiction?
6. What kind of symptoms does this addiction have?
7. What kind of advices does she give to her patients?
8. Does she think that it is easy to solve this problem? Why? Why not
II. Translate these words and learn them:
Deny, disorder, suffer, neglect, addicted to, relief, control, research
III. Do exercises 4f, 4b, 4c in writing)