Упражнения на отработку притяжательных местоимений. Найди пары местоимений.
I her
he its
she my
it his
they our
you their
we your
Замени существительные подходящими формами притяжательных местоимений.
Ann's - daddy's -
my friends' dogs' -
Jim's mummy's -
Прочитай предложения и выбери правильную форму местоимений.
You have got a cat. This is (my, his, your) cat.
She has got a flower. This is (my, her, our) flower.
We have got pens. They are (their, my, our) pens.
I have got a big family. This is (our, its, my) family.
He has got a little brother. This is (his, her, its) brother.
The cat has got toys. They are (her, its, his) toys.
They have got books. They are (its, our, their) books.
Заполни пропуски подходящими местоимениями: my, her, her, her, our, their, its, she, his, they.
This is Ann. has got a small family. mummy is a postman. name is Mary. daddy is a doctor. name is Tim. Ann has got two sisters. names are Pam and Lulu. have got a cute puppy. name is Blackie. Ann always says: “I love family. family is friendly”.
Соедини части предложений и переведи их на русский язык.
This is me and …
This is my mummy and …
This is a dog and …
They are my grandma and grandpa and …
We are boys and …
Thais is Mike and …
This is you and …
this is your car.
this is her bag.
they are their flowers.
this is my doll.
this is his ball.
this is its food.
they are our flags.
Найди и справь ошибки.
Mary has got a ballerina. It's my ballerina. -
Mike and Mary have got a puppy. Her puppy is brown. -
Dad and I have a hobby. His hobby is playing football. -
You live in a big house. My house is big. -
Nick has got a bike. It is your bike. -
I am a pupil. This is his school. -
The cat has got kittens. They are our kittens. -

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