упражнение-написать верно(+)- либо лишнее слово.
Spotting the errors.
In most lines of the text there is one unnecessary word. Write the unnecessary in the space next to each line of the text. Some lines are correct.
- Soccer I s a very old game. There is a record of a soc-[+…].0
- Cer-like game was being played in the Orient in 1004 [..was] 0
1. B.C., and we know that the ancient Greeks and [………] 1
2. Romans played. The game that was introduced to the [……] 2
3. rest of Europe by the Romans when they were building [….] 3
4. their Empire. But soccer was not either then – nor for […..] 4
5. centuries – what it is like now. There were almost no [….] 5
6. rules and a game could go on for days, ending up in a [….] 6
7. brawl far from where it has started. […..] 7
8. In the 19th century however, private schools in [……] 8
9. England developed rules for the game, and since then […..] 9
10. it has change little. Today , though the brawling is […..] 10
11. done by the fans of this , the most popular of team […..] 11
12. sports.

kate833 kate833    2   23.04.2020 17:23    2

Roblox777 Roblox777  23.04.2020 17:30

нужно пропущенные слова писать!


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