Упражнение 174 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present
Continuous wutu Present Simple.
1. I (to take) my sister
I to take) her to school to
school now.
every day.
2. He to help) his
He to help) his father
father now
very often.
3. At the moment they They usually (to go) to (to go) to
the river
the river for a swim. for
a swim.
4 She (to play) the
She (to play) the violin
violin now.
every day.
5 I (to read) now.
I (to read) every day.
6 He (to sleep) now.
He (to sleep) every
7 We (to drink) tea
We (to drink) tea every

sdddssssa sdddssssa    1   22.12.2020 19:58    31

Мариелла17 Мариелла17  21.01.2021 19:59
I'm taking my sister to school now. I take her to school every day. He is helping his father now. He helps his father very often. At the moment they are going to the river for a swim. They usually go to the river for the swim. She is paying the violin now. She plays the violin every day. I am reading now. I read every dayHe is sleeping now. He sleeps every night. We are drinking tea now. We drink tea every morning.
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