Упражнение 116 Вставьте ѕоmе, апу, по, еvеrу или их производные
1. Can you see ... in an empty box? No, I can't see
... in an empty box. I can see ... in an empty box. Why
not? Because there is ... in an empty box. There isn't
... in an empty box. What is an empty box? An empty
box is a box that has ... in it. An empty box is a box
without ... in it. An empty room is a room without
in it.
2. Can ... see? No, ... people can't see. ... people
are blind. Blind people can't see. They can't see ... ;
they can see ...
3. Can ... hear? No, ... people can't hear. ... people
are deaf. People who are quite deaf can't hear. They
can't hear ..., they can't hear ... . They can hear ... s
they can hear
4. Can we see ... ? No, we can't see We cannot
see the air. ... can see the air.
5. We can't walk without legs and feet. People
without legs and feet can't walk. They can't walk...
They can walk ...,